The Alley of the Village

Volendam is a town in North Amsterdam. Volendam has become one of several tourist attraction in Amsterdam. Volendam is also known as fisher village. But Volendam also famous with it's traditional clothing that still preserved . They preserve it's existence by renting out their traditional clothing to the tourists to take pictures with. But it's very hard to find local people who still wear that kind of traditional clothing. Maybe they'll wear it only for special occasion, or maybe the youngsters feel that the cloth is not fashionable and looks silly so that they refuse to wear it in their daily life.

When you get around to this village. My first feeling about this village is "why this village is so crowded". Then I found that this village will never be quite. There will be thousands of tourist come every year. International tourist nor local tourist love to come here. Feeling the fresh air, sitting in the cafe, and of course eating fish. You'll find easily cafe that sells fish and chips, and all kind of fish because as I have state before that Volendam is also known as fisher village.

My friend and I is trying to get out from the crowded because at daytime the sun is shining so bright. Over time we feel the burn. So we decided to go down the alley and see the houses around. When we looked around the houses look more unique than the buildings outside which is dominated by stores.

So here it is the photo. And we were not sorry to have to spend a lot of energy to go down the alley of this village because we got the results worth it.

The Alley of Fishing Village

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